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铜雕厂家 定制铜人物铜雕 动物铜雕塑

作者: 来源: 日期:2019-12-8 7:38:28 人气:0

唐县汇丰铜雕厂经营铜雕鼎,铜雕佛像、城市园林铜雕、青铜鼎,司母戊鼎、铜钟、铜雕鼎、铜香炉,铜雕狮子,铜雕麒麟,铜雕关公,铜雕观音如来等铸铜铸铁产品,产品包括:寺庙用品大型佛像、铜钟、香炉、大型城市铜雕、东西方人物铜雕、动物铜雕及各种红、黄、青铜工艺品铸造, 产品规格、品种齐全,技术先进,工艺精湛。本公司竭诚为各类企业、各方面人士,精心设计制作具有其企业自己独特文化内涵的专用标志性礼品和纪念品.我们以最优秀的产品、最合适的价格、最完善的服务奉献给广大客户,并可依照您的要求,为您量身设计,为人类的环境再添亮点。

Tangxian Huifeng copper sculpture factory is engaged in copper sculpture Ding, bronze Buddha statue, city garden copper sculpture, bronze Ding, Si Muwu Ding, bronze bell, bronze sculpture Ding, bronze censer, bronze lion, bronze unicorn, bronze Guan Gong, bronze Avalokitesvara and other cast iron products. The products include: Temple supplies large Buddha statue, bronze bell, censer, large city copper sculpture, East and West people copper sculpture, animal copper sculpture and various kinds of copper sculptures Red, yellow and bronze handicrafts are cast, with complete product specifications and varieties, advanced technology and exquisite workmanship. Our company is dedicated to all kinds of enterprises and people in all aspects. We carefully design and make special symbolic gifts and souvenirs with its own unique cultural connotation. We offer our customers the best products, the most appropriate prices and the most perfect services. We can design for you according to your requirements and add highlights to the human environment.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区