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铜香炉 仿古铜香炉 铸铜香炉 小铜香炉

【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-12-26 8:07:16 人气:0
铜香炉 仿古铜香炉 铸铜香炉 小铜香炉


According to the shape of incense, it can be divided into three categories: linear incense, pan incense and tower incense. Among them, linear incense can be divided into bamboo stick incense and non bamboo stick incense. According to the length of burning time, pan incense can be from 1 hour to 24 hours, among which 2 hours and 4 hours are common. In the Tashan, there are ordinary Tashan and backflow Tashan, or backflow Tashan for short.

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The principle of backflow fragrance. After burning, the fragrance will form small particles. When they gather together, the quality of the fragrance is heavier than that of the air, so it will naturally sink down. And the backflow incense itself is a special tower incense. There is a small hole at the bottom. The smoke that is heavier than the air will naturally flow down the hole of the tower incense itself, and then form a landscape along the circuit of the backflow incense burner.


汇丰铜雕厂铜香炉产品齐全,生产各种铜香炉,仿古铜香炉,小铜香炉, 铸铜香炉,无论在铜香炉价格还是铜香炉质量方面真正做到了物美价廉。我厂为您提供最新的铜香炉价格,可来样来图定做加工,欢迎致电洽谈。

HSBC copper carving factory has a complete range of copper censers. It produces all kinds of copper censers, antique copper censers, small copper censers and cast copper censers. No matter in the price of copper censers or the quality of copper censers, it has really achieved good quality and low price. I plant to provide you with the latest copper censer prices, samples can come to map customized processing, welcome to call negotiations.

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地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区