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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-11-6 7:53:45 人气:0

麒麟是中国神话中的瑞兽,及祥瑞之兽,是仁慈和祥的象征,主太平、长寿。在民间生活中常常会体现出它特有的珍贵和灵异。 常比喻为杰出之人,品德高尚、地位崇高,用麒麟的高洁祥瑞赞颂拥有者的高贵品质。只在太平盛世出现,集祥瑞寓意于一身,神性通灵显贵。又有“麒麟送子”之说,寓意麒麟送来童子必定是贤良之臣。麒麟可辟邪、并能招财和进宝,既体现了赠予者的尊崇之心,又是为拥有者的财富及子嗣送上一片真情和吉祥,使其家庭和睦,事业兴隆!(铸铜雕塑厂

Kirin is the auspicious animal in Chinese mythology, and the auspicious animal. It is the symbol of kindness and auspiciousness, and it is peaceful and longevity. In the folk life, it often reflects its unique precious and miraculous It is often compared to an outstanding person, who is noble in moral character and status, and praises the noble quality of the owner with Kirin's noble and auspicious grace. It only appears in the peaceful and prosperous times, with auspicious meanings in one body, and its divinity is powerful. There is also the saying of "sending children by Kirin", which implies that a child sent by Kirin must be a virtuous official. Qilin can ward off evil spirits, attract wealth and enter treasure. It not only embodies the giver's reverence, but also gives the owner's wealth and offspring a piece of true feelings and auspiciousness, making their family harmonious and their career prosperous!


Hebei Tangxian HSBC copper carving handicraft factory integrates scientific research, development and design, common casting, one-off integral casting and precision casting. Our factory has strong technical force and advanced equipment. We not only attach importance to the original artistic style of Chinese bronzes, but also inherit the original artistic taste of cultural relics. While inheriting and carrying forward the ancient culture, we will further customize various copper and iron handicrafts for new and old customers.

上一篇: 铜麒麟的寓意 下一篇: 铜麒麟含义



地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区