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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-10-19 7:27:42 人气:0


Every nation and every region has its own culture, which shows its own folk characteristics in many aspects. Different nations and races also make human beings have certain differences in body shape, skin color and other aspects. However, people of different nationalities and races share some basic physiological and psychological characteristics.



The theory of the same basic psychological characteristics of human beings is called "the theory of the same mind and nature". One of them is the interest orientation. The "interest" of the interest seeking nature cannot be narrowly understood as interest and money. It generally refers to all matters beneficial to human beings. It is a psychological feature that human beings yearn for, pursue auspiciousness and happiness, and hope that all things will develop in the direction beneficial to themselves. It often interprets or endows the development of things with characteristics beneficial to themselves.



Looking at people who have existed and exist in the past and the present, no matter what nationality or culture, they all have such psychology. No one yearns for disaster, no one hopes that everything will develop in a direction that is not good for him. The Christian and Buddhist doctrines require people to suffer hardship and abstinence, and their aim is to get rid of the original sin, to get rid of the front edge, and to guide people into heaven or paradise, which embodies this interest orientation. Unicorn worship also has such a mind. It is the same as the ending of "Reunion" of Chinese narrative literature and art works put forward in the reflection of traditional culture. This is also the main reason why Kirin has been passed on for a long time.


It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once got the unicorn. In the first year of Yuanshou (122 B.C.), in winter and October, the emperor went to xingyong temple for five times to obtain "Bailin", the main auspicious sign. The emperor made the song of Bailin, so he changed the original year Yuanshuo to Yuanshou to celebrate the auspiciousness.



Until now, Hebei Tangxian HSBC handicraft factory has cast countless large-scale copper carvings, which are loved by everyone. Some of these large-scale copper carvings are very famous. Today I will introduce them to you.

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地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区