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【作者: 来源: 日期:2020-3-25 7:53:19 人气:0


Kirin culture is a kind of birth custom in old China. It's said that the unicorn is a benevolent pet, a symbol of auspiciousness, and can bring people offspring. On the night of Confucius's birth, there was a book written by Qilin in his family, which said, "descendants of water essence, decline of Zhou Dynasty and plain king", which means that he had the virtue of emperor but didn't occupy his position. Although it's false, it's actually the foundation of "unicorn sends children",



It is recorded in "Lun Heng, Ding Xian" by Wang Chong and "records of collecting relics" by Wang Jia of Jin Dynasty. People have the reputation of "qilin'er" and "lin'er". In the northern and Southern Dynasties, people often called the intelligent and lovely boy "our unicorn". Since then, it has been the work of "the picture of Unicorn sending children". As a wood painting, the couplet "Qilin son in the sky, the champion man on the ground" is carved on it, which is a good omen.



It is generally believed that a child can be born by worshiping a unicorn. The song of the second son of Xu Qing by Du Fu of Tang Dynasty: "it's amazing that you don't see the second son of Xu Qing. I feel lucky and dream to follow. Confucius, Shi Shi Shi, is a Kirin in the sky. " Hu Pu'an's Hunan, a chronicle of Chinese customs, quoted the popular poem of Changzhi new age: "it's amazing that women can be conceived around a dragon and are obsessed with seeking children.



The real dragon is not as good as the paper dragon. It can be used to send Lin Lin's children. " Original note: "if a woman has been barren for many years, when the dragon lantern comes home, she will send Feng Yi, surround the woman with the dragon body once, shorten the dragon body again, ride a child, and walk around the hall for a week, which is called Lin Qi to send her son." According to Lin Qi, it belongs to the dragon family. This is the one who takes the dragon lantern for Qi.




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