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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-12-25 7:46:30 人气:0

貔貅有镇宅辟邪的作用。 将已开光的貔貅安放在家中,可令家中的运转好,好运加强,赶走邪气,有镇宅之功效,成为家中的守护神,保合家的平安。

Chen Chen has the function of restraining the house from evil. Placing the open and bright ones at home can make the family run well, strengthen good luck, drive away evil spirits, have the effect of calming the house, become the guardian God of the family, and ensure the safety of the family.


貔貅有趋财旺财的作用。 尤对偏行、收入浮动者有奇效,如果你是以求偏财为主的行业,例如收入是佣金制的,奖金制的,而不是固定薪水的,那麼供奉貔貅将是很好的招财法宝。它会带你去有钱的地方,同时帮你把钱咬回来。除助偏财之外,对正财也有帮助,所以做生意的商人也宜安放貔貅在公司或家中。 貔貅专为主人聚财掌权。 貔貅有趋财旺财的作用,是招财聚宝的祥兽,喜欢金钱的味道,是以钱和金银珠宝为食的,可打开世间财源,纳食八方之财,为讨主人开心,还会咬过路人的钱,故乃招财进宝之物,由于它有嘴无肛门,能吞万物而从不泻,金银珠宝只能进不能出,聚宝神通特异,是民间最常用的催财品,这是貔貅的作用之一。

Chen has the function of tending to wealth and flourishing wealth. It is especially effective for those who are partial to business and whose income fluctuates. If you are in an industry where the main purpose is to gain money, for example, the income is commission based, bonus based, rather than fixed salary, then offering money to others will be a good way to recruit money. It will take you to the places where you have money and help you bite it back. In addition to helping the poor, it is also helpful for the good, so the businessmen who do business should also place their money in the company or at home. Chen Chen is dedicated to gathering money and power for his master. Chen Chen has the function of tending to wealth and flourishing wealth. He is the auspicious beast that attracts wealth and gathers treasures. He likes the taste of money. He eats money and gold, silver and jewelry. He can open up the world's sources of wealth and accept all kinds of wealth. In order to please the owner, he can bite the money of passers-by. Therefore, he is the thing that attracts wealth and treasures. Because it has a mouth and no anus, it can swallow all things without diarrhea. Gold, silver and jewelry can only come in but not go out. Treasure gathering is magical, It is the most commonly used commodity for urging wealth, which is one of the functions of Chen.


貔貅象征着无往不胜的军队。 传说凶猛威武的貔貅曾帮助黄帝打败蚩尤,它在天上负责的巡视工作,类似人间纠察,伏群魔,防备妖魔鬼怪扰乱天庭。由于貔貅凶猛善战,过去常将它的图形放在军旗上,希望军队在打仗的时候,象貔貅一样勇猛无比,也希望貔貅能够帮助自己聚来更多的金银财宝。古时候人们常用貔貅作为军队的代称,称军队为“貔貅之师”。

Chen represents the invincible army. It's said that the fierce and powerful Chen Chen helped the Yellow Emperor defeat Chiyou. He was responsible for the inspection work in the sky, similar to human picketing, subduing the demons, and preventing the demons and ghosts from disturbing the heaven. Because of his ferocity and good fighting, he used to put his figure on the military flag. He hoped that the army would be as brave as him when fighting. He also hoped that he could help himself gather more gold and silver. In ancient times, people often used the name of "Chen" as a substitute for the army, which was called "the division of Chen".


貔貅用来化煞镇宅。貔貅 是凶狠的神兽,且护主心特强,能腾云驾雾,号令雷霆,降雨开晴,可穿山破石捉妖精,相传有辟邪、挡煞、镇宅之威力。貔貅可以化解多种煞气。所谓煞气是指周围环境对人产生的不良影响。比如中国历代建筑大多坐北朝南,即因古人深知此向可以避开寒冬的北风吹袭,而夏天又可享受南风的清凉;若反之,则犯了迎风煞。若住处面对厕所、垃圾场,称为犯独阴煞;若面对灯柱、电线杆等,则为犯顶心煞,凡此种种,皆指周围环境对人的心理产生的微妙影响。其中较佳的化煞方法就是在不影响现有室内布局的前提下,在摆放能够化煞的法器。

Chen Chen is used to turn evil into a town house. Chen Chen is a fierce beast. He has a strong heart to protect him. He can soar above the clouds, command thunder, rain and clear up. He can break through mountains and rocks to catch goblins. It is said that he has the power to ward off evil spirits, block evil spirits and hold houses. Chen can dissolve many kinds of evil spirits. The so-called evil spirit refers to the adverse effects of the surrounding environment on people. For example, most of the buildings in the past dynasties in China face the south, that is, because the ancients knew that they could avoid the north wind in cold winter, and enjoy the cool of the south wind in summer; otherwise, they committed the evil of facing the wind. If the residence is facing the toilet and garbage dump, it's called guilty of only Yin evil; if it's facing the lamp post and electric pole, it's guilty of top heart evil. All these refer to the subtle influence of the surrounding environment on people's psychology. One of the better ways to change the evil spirit is to put the magic tools that can change the evil spirit on the premise of not affecting the existing indoor layout.



Chen can play a role in eliminating diseases and promoting official transport.

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上一篇: 铜貔貅的作用 下一篇: 铜貔貅的功效



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