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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-8-26 8:17:18 人气:0

铜大缸不仅可以用来盛水,还在风水上有一定的讲究说法,如在庭院门口两边方式铜雕大缸,既显得大方高贵,又具有风水上所说的水能聚财,财源广进之意,由此可显现,铜雕大缸在古代占据很高的地位。铜缸都是明清时期铸造的,由当时清延内务府营造司管理,按照规定摆放在庭院的宫殿前和后宫的东西 长街上,是皇宫中备作消防用以盛水的器皿。这些铜缸大都是铁式青铜制成,河北唐县汇丰铜雕铸造工艺品厂是河北知名雕塑铸铜厂家,主要铸造大型神佛像和各种造型的雕塑铜工艺品。产品包括:寺庙用大型藏佛佛像、贴金佛像、铜钟、铜鼎、铜香炉、大型城市园林雕塑、东西方人物雕塑、动物雕塑及各种红、黄、青铜雕塑工艺品,产品规格、品种齐全,雕塑技术先进,工艺精湛,欢迎广大客户来厂洽谈参观!

Copper cylinders can not only be used to hold water, but also have some fastidious opinions on geomantic water. For example, in the way of bronze cylinders carved on both sides of the gate of the courtyard, they not only appear generous and noble, but also have the meaning of water energy gathering wealth in geomantic waters, which shows that bronze cylinders occupied a high position in ancient times. Copper cylinders were cast in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They were managed by the Construction Department of the Yanfu Interior Office at that time. They were placed in the East and west streets of the front and back palaces of the courtyard according to the regulations. They were utensils for fire fighting and water holding in the palace. Most of these copper cylinders are made of iron bronze. Hebei Tangxian Huifeng Copper Sculpture and Casting Crafts Factory is a well-known copper sculpture and casting factory in Hebei Province, mainly casting large statues of gods and Buddhas and various sculpture copper crafts. Products include: large-scale Tibetan Buddha statues, gold-affixed Buddha statues, bronze bells, copper tripod, bronze incense stove, large-scale urban garden sculptures, Eastern and Western figure sculptures, animal sculptures and various red, yellow and bronze sculpture crafts, product specifications, complete varieties, advanced sculpture technology, exquisite craftsmanship. Welcome customers to the factory for discussion and participation. View!




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区