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当前位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 动物雕塑 > 铜雕龙 > 正文


【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-7-23 8:34:16 人气:0


Dragon is a totem of China, which has a connection with everything in the world. Dragon has a myth in people's mind. It also has some representative significance. The aesthetic consciousness of dragon culture has penetrated into all fields and aspects of our social culture.



The dragon is the first of the four spiritual beasts in ancient times. It is the symbol of power, nobility and honor in Chinese traditional culture. It is also the symbol of luck and success. Besides, it also represents wealth and auspiciousness, which can increase auspicious spirit and strengthen the exertion of power. Dragons can fly into the sky and into the earth, soar clouds and cross the sea, call for wind and rain, and be versatile. Used in geomantic omen, you can make a fortune and keep vigorous. As long as the place where the dragon is placed, it can help you save the villains, breathe in money and increase auspicious spirit. Tonglong's head texture is fresh and lifelike, which implies the efficacy of Zhengzhai to ward off evil spirits. It can keep the family safe and prosperous. Dragon scales are full of wealth and wealth, which will bring auspiciousness to family and career. By understanding the meaning of Tonglong, I hope I can help you get rid of your troubles and bring you good luck.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区