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四大天王铜佛像 铜四大天王批发 四大天王铜佛像厂家

【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-12-21 8:05:23 人气:0
四大天王铜佛像 铜四大天王批发 四大天王铜佛像厂家

四大天王是中国汉传大声佛教中四尊守法尊天神的代称,分别是东方持国天王,持琵琶护持东胜神州;南方增长天王,持宝剑,护持南瞻部洲;西方广目天王,持蛇(赤龙),护持西牛贺洲;北方多闻天王,持宝伞,护持北俱卢洲。 他们是佛教伽蓝中,最为重要的护法神,相传做于须弥山。克让铜雕出产的铜雕四大天王神情意态栩栩如生,个个形象逼真。

The four heavenly kings are the pronouns of the four law-abiding deities in the Chinese Han loud Buddhism. They are the emperor of heaven holding the kingdom in the East, holding the pipa to protect Dongsheng Shenzhou, the king of heaven holding the sword in the south, and the king of heaven holding the snake (red dragon) to protect xinniuhezhou in the west, and the king of heaven holding the umbrella in the north. They are the most important Dharma protectors in the Buddhist Kalan. They are said to be made in Xumi mountain. The four kings of heaven in the bronze carving produced by Ke rang are lifelike in appearance and expression, and all of them are lifelike in image.



The four heavenly kings are the Dharma protecting gods of Buddhism, also known as the four heavenly kings of protecting the world. They are the four heavenly gods in the twenty heavens of Buddhism. They are located in the first heaven, and the second heaven is also called the four heavenly kings. They are usually arranged on both sides of the first Hall of the pure land Buddhist temple, hence the name of the heavenly king hall.



Hebei HSBC copper carving handicraft factory is a professional sculpture handicraft factory. The copper carving crafts produced are beautiful in art and vivid in form. Whether the pattern design in the early stage or the production in the later stage is perfect, they all show their professional and intention.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区