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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-11-5 7:35:53 人气:0

此展品为清代文物。长39 cm,宽40 cm,高118 cm。此尊佛像肉髻高隆,宝珠顶严,髻珠显露。面庞丰腴,弯眉与鼻胫相连,眼睑低垂,双目俯视,宝相庄严。该佛像通体以铜打造,纯厚粲然,庄重典雅,为清代作品。现收藏于福建民俗博物馆。(铜雕

This exhibit is a cultural relic of the Qing Dynasty. Length: 39 cm, width: 40 cm, height: 118 cm. This statue of Buddha has a high bun with a strict top and exposed bun beads. His face is plump, his eyebrows are bent and his nose and shins are connected, his eyelids are drooping, his eyes are looking down, and his face is solemn. The whole body of the statue is made of copper. It is pure, thick, charming, solemn and elegant, and is a work of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in Fujian Folk Museum.



This statue of Buddha has a high bun with a strict top and exposed bun beads. His face is plump, his eyebrows are bent and his nose and shins are connected, his eyelids are drooping, his eyes are looking down, and his face is solemn. The Buddha stands on the lotus seat in a standing posture in a rag suit with a through shoulder style. The right hand of the Buddha gives the wish seal, which means that all the wishes of all living beings can be satisfied. The left hand of the Buddha is placed in front of the navel to form the meditation seal, which is the seal of full attention, which is the hand seal of the Buddha when he enters the meditation. The whole body of the statue is made of copper. It is pure, thick, charming, solemn and elegant, and is a work of the Qing Dynasty. It is now collected in Fujian Folk Museum.



HSBC copper foundry is a well-known Tang County copper sculpture handicraft company in Hebei copper sculpture. It is unique among many sculpture companies and sculpture factories to create high-quality copper sculptures for you.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区