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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-11-1 7:32:00 人气:0


Mahayana Buddhism, also known as "the way of monks", is close to the Buddha's teaching. Mahayana Buddhism is dominant in Sri Lanka and most Southeast Asian countries. In the early years of AD, Mahayana Buddhism gradually rose, and its Buddhist principles were more inclusive and improved. Mahayana Buddhism is divided into Zen, pure land and other factions. Tantric Buddhism began to appear in India in the 7th century A.D., and gradually spread to many areas of the Himalayas and the Far East. Tantric Buddhism has a mystical thought of practice, with many mystical rituals and practices. There are obviously many differences among the three Buddhist schools, but they can not be mistaken as three completely separate and independent entities, because their basic doctrines are the same, and they all show the same respect for the "three treasures of Buddhism", that is, Buddhism, Dharma and monk.


三千年前的古印度靠近雪山南麓森林繁茂的地方,有一个很富裕的国家名叫迦毗罗卫国。国王名首图驮那,汉译净饭王。王后名摩诃摩耶,是与迦毗罗卫城隔河相对的天臂城善觉王的长女。 经典记载,释迦牟尼佛降生前,为一生补处菩萨,住在兜率天内院,以因缘(时间、地点、国家、家庭、父母)成熟,便降生人间,以摩耶夫人为母。释迦化乘六牙白象,象白色莲花,下降北天竺迦毗罗卫国,从摩耶夫人的左肋入胎,住胎十月,根据当时的风俗,摩耶夫人回娘家分娩,途经蓝毗尼花园,即今尼泊尔南部波陀利耶村的罗美德寺院处,生下了太子悉达多。经典记载四月八日,太子自摩耶夫人右肋出胎,诞生于兰毗尼园的无忧树下,太子下地能走,周行7步,步步生莲花,并且举目四顾,自谓。“天上地下,唯我独尊。”这时有二条龙,一吐温水,一吐凉水,给他洗浴。此日即为浴佛日。

Three thousand years ago, ancient India was close to the south foot of the snow mountain where the forest was flourishing. There was a very rich country named kapiluwi. The king's name is Tuona in the first picture. The Queen's name is mahamaya. She is the eldest daughter of King shanjue, the heavenly arm city opposite to the city of kapilawei According to the classic records, before Sakyamuni Buddha was born, he was a Bodhisattva for his whole life. He lived in the inner courtyard of dourate. When his karma (time, place, country, family, parents) was mature, he was born into the world, and his mother was Madame moye. Sakyamuni took the six tooth white elephant, like a white lotus flower, and descended to the kingdom of peiluowei in northern India. She was born in October from the left rib of Mrs. moye. According to the custom at that time, Mrs. moye returned to her mother's home and gave birth to the Prince Siddhartha, who passed through the lampini garden, which is now the courtyard of Luode temple in the village of pothariya in southern Nepal. According to the classic records, on April 8, the prince was born from the right rib of Madame moye. He was born under the carefree tree in Lumbini garden. The prince can walk under the ground. He can walk seven steps around. Every step produces a lotus flower. He looks around, which he calls himself. "Heaven and earth, I am the only one." At this time, there are two dragons. One is warm water, the other is cold water. Take a bath for him. This day is called bathing Buddha Day.



There is no fixed direction. The Buddha's Dharma body is all over the place and can turn to the sun. The Buddha's platform should be clean and tidy. The Buddha's statue should be provided at a high place (higher than the eyebrows and eyes), no meat, water, fruits and flowers should be provided at home. The key points to be noted are clean, quiet, clean and avoid being close to the dirty places such as toilets. The height should not be lower than the waist. We can avoid the direction.



HSBC's products include bronze Buddha statue, bronze tripod, bronze bell, bronze lion, bronze round incense burner, bronze stove thousand Buddha pagoda, bronze light thousand Buddha lamp, figure sculpture, animal sculpture, city sculpture, garden sculpture, campus square sculpture, portrait sculpture, copper relief sculpture and other copper sculpture crafts. It can also be made according to the requirements of customers. The copper sculpture products are solemn and elegant, simple and generous, with the artistic characteristics of combination of dynamic and static. The sculpture factory is based on the principle of promoting the Dharma and benefiting the life, making small profits and selling fast, and putting quality first. The copper sculpture factory has successively made large and small magic tools for the four famous mountains and major monasteries in the country, which has won the praise of the eminent monks, magicians, Taoist priests and monks in the Buddhist world.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区