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坐像弥勒佛铜佛像 坐莲花弥勒佛像

【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-11-14 7:43:49 人气:0
坐像弥勒佛铜佛像 坐莲花弥勒佛像

弥勒佛对于我们来说都是非常了解的,它是中国大乘佛教八大菩萨之一,大乘佛教经典中又常被称为阿逸多菩萨摩诃萨,是释尊的继任者,将在未来娑婆世界降生世尊 ,成为娑婆世界的下一尊佛。(铜雕

Maitreya Buddha is very well known to us. It is one of the eight Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism in China. In Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, it is often called the Mahayana of ayido Bodhisattva. It is the successor of Buddha Shi, who will be born into the world Buddha in the future and become the next Buddha in the world of SAHA.


我们平时除了看到如来佛像、比较常见的就是铜弥勒佛像,它被唯识学派奉为鼻祖,其庞大思想体系由无著菩萨、世亲菩萨阐释弘扬,深受中国大乘佛教大师支谦、道安和玄奘的推崇。弥勒佛以超世间的忍辱大行于世,所谓: 大肚能容,容天下难容之事。 开口便笑,笑天下可笑之人。当我们在寺庙去上香的适合总会看到一尊袒胸露腹、喜笑颜开、手携布袋席地而坐的胖菩萨,他就是弥勒佛。铜弥勒佛也是属于铜佛像当中的一个种类,这点我们是应该知道的。

In addition to the Buddha statue of Tathagata, the most common one is the Buddha statue of tongmaitreya, which is regarded as the originator by the school of idealism. Its huge ideological system is interpreted and promoted by the Bodhisattva who has no Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva who is close to the world. It is highly praised by the Chinese Mahayana Buddhist masters Zhiqian, Daoan and Xuanzang. Maitreya Buddha acts in the world with super worldly humiliation, so-called: big belly can accommodate, accommodate the world's difficult things Laugh when you open your mouth. Laugh at the laughable people in the world. When we go to the temple for incense, we will always see a fat Bodhisattva who is naked, smiling and sitting on the ground with a bag in his hand. He is Maitreya Buddha. Tongmaitreya Buddha is also a kind of bronze Buddha, which we should know.



For bronze Buddha statues, they are usually made of pure metal copper or some bronze. For this kind of copper material used in Buddha statues, it is not only made of pure metal copper, but also plated with a layer of gold metal outside the Buddha statues after the completion of the work, so we are now making it The bronze Buddha in real life. In the broad sense, the above definition of bronze Buddha also includes the Buddha made of all metal materials, including brass, bronze, silver and other metal materials, not only limited to the metal material we think of as copper.



Although the material of making bronze Buddha looks simple, in the hearts of many people who believe in Buddhism, these Buddha statues are more sacred and can help them realize their wishes, which is the embodiment of all good things.

上一篇: 铸铜弥勒佛像 下一篇: 铜弥勒佛的特点



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