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铜孔子像 定制大型孔子像雕塑

【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-10-18 8:51:21 人气:0
铜孔子像 定制大型孔子像雕塑

孔子像的意义不仅是***人民对于传统文化的潜在的归属感和认同感,大型铜孔子,也是***人民对于传统文化的尊重和继承,有利于在日益激烈的文化 竞争中保持着本国朴实敦厚的文化特色。春秋末年,正是古***思想形成发展的大期,正是一番”百家争鸣”的大好景象,一位对当时乃至后期的***社会影响重 大的人物孔夫子孔先生正是活跃在当时的百家之中。春秋时期,社会正值动荡不安,孔子一心用仁爱治国却终不得有开明的君主赏识,他周游列国,寻求自己的思想 的用武之地却终未得果,后来的孔子安身修书育人,将自己一生的智慧与思想传授给门下三千弟子。孔子,因此被人们誉为所有读书人的先生,而石雕孔子像的意义,也有着源远流长的存在。

The significance of Confucius image is not only the potential sense of belonging and identity of the people of * * * to the traditional culture, but also the respect and inheritance of the people of * * * to the traditional culture, which is conducive to maintaining the simple and honest cultural characteristics of the country in the increasingly fierce cultural competition. At the end of the spring and Autumn period, it was the great period of the formation and development of the ancient ideology of the Communist Party of China, and it was a great scene of "hundred schools of thought contend". Mr. Kong Confucius, who had a great influence on the society of the then and later period of the Communist Party of China, was active in the hundred schools at that time. During the spring and Autumn period, the society was in turmoil. Confucius was devoted to governing the country with benevolence, but he could not be appreciated by an enlightened monarch. He traveled around the world, seeking his own ideas, but he did not succeed. Later, Confucius settled down to cultivate people and impart his wisdom and thoughts to three thousand disciples. Confucius, therefore, is known as the gentleman of all scholars, and the significance of stone sculpture of Confucius also has a long history.




In the process of human development, there are countless influential people who have contributed to the development of human beings for thousands of years, and they are worshipped by generations. In the field of literature and art, there are countless famous figures in the past. Campus copper Confucius, such as Confucius and Mencius, are well-known. Their thoughts and works affect generations and become a model for all walks of life to learn. The bronze statue of Confucius of cultural celebrities is a common sculpture type in contemporary campus, cultural park, memorial hall, etc. it is a bronze sculpture with profound historical significance.



Tangxian Huifeng copper carving handicraft factory strives for development with integrity, survival with quality, exquisite technical strength and abundant capital advantages, and has successively made various large, medium and small copper sculptures for users from all walks of life at home and abroad. The business philosophy of pursuing excellence, developing innovation, "respecting contract", "keeping credit", and making customers 100% satisfied. Wholeheartedly for domestic and foreign customers to provide high-quality services, is willing to work with new and old customers to create a better future.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区