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作者: 来源: 日期:2019-10-14 7:10:27 人气:0

铜雕塑:以铜为主要原料,将金属熔炼成符合一定要求的液体并浇进铸型里,经冷却凝固、清整处理后得到有预定形状、尺寸和性能的铸造工艺制作的雕塑艺术品。铸铜的历史非常悠久,且技术成熟。铸铜的工艺要比锻铜复杂,艺术创作的复原性好,因此适合成为精细作品的材料,尤其人物雕塑最为常见。Cast Copper Sculpture: With copper as the main raw material, the metal is melted into a required liquid and poured into the casting mold. After cooling, solidification and cleaning, the sculpture works with predetermined shape, size and performance are obtained. Cast copper has a long history and mature technology. The process of casting copper is more complex than forging copper, and the restoration of artistic creation is good. Therefore, it is suitable to be the material of fine works, especially figure sculpture.



Cast copper sculpture uses high temperature resistant molds, such as refractory gypsum mold or sand mold, generally the inner and outer layers. Copper water is poured into the mold from the skylight and cooled to form. The wall thickness is generally 3-8 mm. It is hard, corrosion-resistant and has a long service life. Because of its own characteristics, copper carving has a lasting and new characteristics. Copper sculpture itself has a sense of gravity. As a sculpture material, it can better reflect the character characteristics of the characters. Moreover, bronze carvings are easier to preserve and will not become obsolete with the trend of time.


而另一种雕塑材料——玻璃钢,是使用树脂与其他化学助剂混合后在模局内部进行化学反应成型,一般比较大的用涂刷方式制作,很小的灌实心并用真空泵抽真空的方式制作,属有机物材质,易燃,分量轻,寿命相对短,会老化,会变形扭曲(圆雕不易变形),会开裂 ,室外寿命7-10年,表面一般要着色,色彩寿命也有限;玻璃钢本身硬度还不错,也有一定弹性,但雕塑一般是空心的,硬度就类似硬质塑料,易碎,但由于含有纤维,一般不会象塑料坏的严重,也便于修复。

Another kind of sculpture material, FRP, is made by chemical reaction in the die board after mixing resin with other chemical additives. Generally, it is made by brushing, small filling and vacuum pumping. It belongs to organic material, flammable, light weight, relatively short life, aging, distortion and distortion (round sculpture is not easy to deform), cracking, and outdoor life is 7-10. In 2000, the surface is usually colored and the color life is limited; the hardness of FRP itself is not bad, but it also has a certain elasticity, but the sculpture is generally hollow, the hardness is similar to hard plastic, fragile, but because of containing fibers, it is generally not as bad as plastic, and easy to repair.



Therefore, for some fine sculpture works requiring higher and complete restoration design, it is better to use copper casting technology, especially figure sculpture.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区