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铜貔貅 黄铜铸造貔貅摆件 精品铜貔貅加工厂家

作者: 来源: 日期:2020-4-23 8:05:18 人气:0

貔貅是一种神兽,向来都喜欢金钱之味,肚子是个聚财囊,可聚宝,只进不出,可招财进宝,同时催官运。貔貅在五行风水中带火性,能招来大.. 貔貅是一种神兽,向来都喜欢金钱之味,肚子是个聚财囊,可聚宝,只进不出,可招财进宝,同时催官运。貔貅在五行风水中带火性,能招来大量的金钱,使世间财源自此打开.在家宅或工作地点的适当位置置貔貅,可收旺财之效。一般做偏行的人都认为“貔貅”会旺偏财的,所以他们都会在公司或营业地方摆放一只貔貅,属偏行的行业有外汇、股票、金融、赛马、期货等等。相传貔貅为讨主人开心,会咬过路人的钱,故有言此乃招财之物,因此是民间最常用、最有效的催财风水用品。在风水上常用来挡煞、驱邪、镇宅。 古贤认为,命是注定的,但运程可以改变,故民间有“一摸貔貅运程旺盛,再摸貔貅财运滚滚,三摸貔貅平步青云”的美好祝愿。因貔貅食四方财,翡翠貔貅挂件,适于佩戴在腰间、靓包装饰、也适于做车内平安保福挂件。貔貅放置在宅府,有镇宅辟邪的作用。将已开光的貔貅安放在家中,可令家中的运转好,好运加强,赶走邪气,有镇宅之功效,成为家中的守护神,保合家的平安。 貔貅戴在身上有趋财旺财的作用,尤对偏行、收入浮动者有奇效,例如销售、经商、外汇、股票、金融、彩马、期货等等。貔貅“催财很快”,所以做生意的商人也宜安放貔貅在公司或家中,也有帮助。貔貅的习性懒懒地喜欢睡觉,每天最好把它拿起来摸一摸,玩一玩,好象要叫醒它一样,财运就会跟着来。 另一个貔貅的妙用是在案头摆放貔貅饰物的话,可替你赶走坏男人,避免不必要的骚扰喔。貔貅有很多材质制造,尤其以玉制的催财、辟邪力最强,特别是开光的翡翠貔貅。对催财、改运、辟邪、护身有特效。特制成对的玉貔貅尤其适合夫妻、情侣佩带。因为没有一模一样的玉,因此每对玉貔貅都是独一无二的。

Chen Chen is a kind of beast. He always likes the taste of money. His stomach is a treasure bag. He can gather treasure. He can only enter but not leave. He can recruit treasure and urge the official luck at the same time. Chen Chen has fire in the five elements fengshui, which can attract big people. Chen Chen is a kind of beast. He always likes the taste of money. His stomach is a treasure bag, which can be gathered. He can only enter but not leave. He can attract money and treasure. At the same time, he urges the official luck. In the five elements of fengshui, Chen can attract a lot of money, so that the source of wealth in the world can be opened from then on. If you place Chen in a proper place in your home or workplace, you can get the effect of Wangcai. Generally, people who are biased think that "Chen" will be prosperous and biased, so they will put a "Chen" in the company or business place. Industries that are biased include foreign exchange, stock, finance, horse racing, futures, etc. It's said that in order to please the host, he will bite the money of passers-by. So it's said that this is the thing that attracts wealth. Therefore, it's the most commonly used and effective geomancy thing for urging wealth. In Fengshui, it is often used to block evil spirits, exorcise evil spirits and suppress houses. According to ancient sages, life is predestined, but the journey can be changed. Therefore, there is a good wish among the people that "one touch of Chen is prosperous, another touch of Chen is prosperous, three touch of Chen is prosperous, and three touch of Chen is green". It is suitable for wearing on the waist, decorating with beautiful bags and making safe and happy hanging in the car. Chen Chen is placed in the mansion, which has the function of restraining the house and eliminating evil spirits. Placing the open and bright ones at home can make the family run well, strengthen good luck, drive away evil spirits, have the effect of calming the house, become the guardian God of the family, and ensure the safety of the family. Chen Chen Dai has the function of tending to wealth and flourishing wealth, especially for those who deviate from the line and whose income fluctuates, such as sales, business, foreign exchange, stock, finance, color horse, futures and so on. Chen Chen "urges money very quickly", so businessmen who do business should also place him in the company or at home, which is also helpful. Chen's habits like sleeping lazily. It's better to take it up and touch it every day, play with it, as if to wake it up, and the fortune will follow. Another wonderful use of Chen is to put Chen ornaments on the desk, which can drive away bad men for you and avoid unnecessary harassment. There are many kinds of materials to make Chen, especially jade, which is the most powerful in promoting wealth and eliminating evil, especially the jade of Kaiguang. It has special effects on urging wealth, changing transportation, eliminating evils and protecting the body. Specially made pairs of jade coins are especially suitable for couples. Because the one and only jade is as like as two peas, each jade pair is unique.


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