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青铜器工艺品 汇丰铜雕 铜雕厂家

作者: 来源: 日期:2020-1-10 7:13:18 人气:0

铜器。在我国古代多指青铜器,流行于新石器时代晚期至秦汉时代,以商周器物最为精美。最初出现的是小型工具或饰物。夏代始有青铜容器和兵器。商中期,青铜器品种已很丰富,并出现了铭文和精细的花纹。商晚期至西周早期,是青铜器发展的鼎盛时期,器型多种多样,浑厚凝重,铭文逐渐加长,花纹繁褥富丽。随后,青铜器胎体开始变薄,纹饰逐渐简化。春秋晚期至战国,由于铁器的推广使用,铜制工具越来越少。奏汉时期,随着瓷器和漆器进入日常生活,铜制容器品种减少,装饰简单,多为素面,胎体也更为轻薄。中国古代铜器,是我们的祖先对人类物质文明的巨大贡献,虽然从考古资料来看,我国铜器的出现, 晚于世界上其他一些地方,但是就铜器的使用规模、铸造工艺、造型艺术及品种而言,世界上没有一个地方的铜器可以与中国古代铜器相比拟。这也是中国古代铜器在世界艺术史上占有独特地位并引起普遍重视的原因之一。

Bronze ware. In ancient China, it refers to bronze ware, which is popular from the late Neolithic to the Qin and Han Dynasties, with the most exquisite artifacts in Shang and Zhou dynasties. The first ones were small tools or accessories. In Xia Dynasty, there were bronze vessels and weapons. In the middle of Shang Dynasty, there were many kinds of bronzes with inscriptions and fine patterns. From the late Shang Dynasty to the early Western Zhou Dynasty, it was the heyday of the development of bronzes. The types of bronzes were various, thick and dignified, the inscriptions gradually lengthened, and the patterns were numerous and colorful. Later, the carcass of the bronzes began to thin and the ornamentation gradually simplified. From the late spring and Autumn period to the Warring States period, due to the promotion and use of iron, there were fewer and fewer copper tools. In the Han Dynasty, with the porcelain and lacquerware entering the daily life, the variety of copper containers decreased, the decoration was simple, mostly plain, and the carcass was lighter. Ancient Chinese bronze ware is a great contribution of our ancestors to the material civilization of mankind. Although the appearance of Chinese bronze ware is later than other places in the world in terms of archaeological data, there is no place in the world where the use scale, casting technology, plastic arts and varieties of bronze ware can be compared with ancient Chinese bronze ware. This is also one of the reasons why ancient Chinese bronze ware occupies a unique position in the history of world art and attracts universal attention.


Tangxian HSBC copper sculpture factory produces copper sculptures for design figures, art sculptures, cast copper sculptures, large-scale copper sculptures, city sculptures, copper reliefs, bronze tripods, etc. Bronze figures include great figures, modern figures, archaize figures, Westerners, Mongolians and statues.




地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区