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藏佛像 铜弥金刚佛像 铜雕塑密集金刚批发厂家

【作者: 来源: 日期:2020-4-16 8:24:43 人气:0
藏佛像 铜弥金刚佛像 铜雕塑密集金刚批发厂家

密集金刚,又称密聚金刚,梵名Guhyasamāja ,音译“古和雅萨玛札”,藏名为“桑顿多杰”,属无上瑜珈部父续,与喜金刚,胜乐金刚,大威德金刚等合称五大金刚法,其讲规甚多。

Dense Vajra, also known as dense Vajra, Brahma name guhyasam਑ja, transliteration of "Guhe and yasamaza", Tibetan name of "Thornton Dorje", is the father of the supreme yoga department. Together with Xi Vajra, Shengle Vajra and Dawei Vajra, it is called five Vajra dharmas, with many rules.



King Kong's image is double. The main body is blue, which symbolizes the highest principle of Buddhism. There are three heads with different colors on the three sides, blue in the middle, white on the right and red on the left, indicating two virtues of compassion and disaster relief.



Two legs are tied and two steps are taken to sit on the lotus seat. There are three sides and six arms, the face is muddy gold, the central main side and the left side are angry, the right side is quiet. These three faces are regarded as the representation of the body, language and meaning of all Tathagata. There are six arms, the main arm two hands with a diamond pestle, embrace the princess,. The other four hands hold the Falun, the flame palm, the lotus flower and the sword respectively.



There are three eyes on each side and two vajras on the top of the head, the same as Shengle Vajra. The crown of the head consists of five petals, symbolizing five Buddhas or five Bodhisattvas. There are six arms, all of which hold the Dharma tools: the right hand holds the Dharma wheel, which symbolizes the immortality of the Dharma and the constant rotation of the Dharma wheel; the left hand holds the Pearl, which symbolizes the desired achievement. The middle right hand is the Vajra pestle, the left hand is the Vajra bell, symbolizing both method and wisdom. I hold a dagger in my left hand to symbolize cutting off all ignorance; I hold a lotus in my right hand to symbolize wisdom and purity. Among the five secret vajras, he is the simplest but the most special (sitting posture) and the best recognized one.



The princess he hugged was called "Vajra mother" and also had three heads and six arms. She was wearing a crown, wearing accessories, holding things, and even all the details were the same as the Lord. The princess of Ming put her hands around the neck of the King Kong, and the other four held lotus, sword, bow and arrow and other magic weapons, with their legs around the waist of the King Kong. King Kong and Princess Ming wear corolla, earrings and arm hairpin. In murals and thangkas, there are usually blue round head lights and orange red backlights.



The dense statues of Vajra are generally enshrined in the hall of Tantrism. The larger statues are clay sculptures and colored paintings, with bright colors and different expressions of calmness and anger. The dense King Kong in the mural is more quiet and serene, while the dense King Kong in the sculpture is more dynamic feeling of majesty and contemplation.

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地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区