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【作者: 来源: 日期:2019-11-13 7:32:05 人气:0


Wu Caishen is facing the gate, which can attract more wealth. On the one hand, it can not only recruit money into the house, but also guard the door to prevent the invasion of external evil. The biggest taboo in the display of the God of wealth is never to put the God of wealth together with the God of wealth. This will not double the effect, but may affect the effect of their own recruitment. Just put one.



"Guandi" is the God of wealth and martial arts. He is not only powerful, but also upright, holding the green dragon and the crescent moon knife in his hand, which makes the evil spirits flinch away. Therefore, most families regard him as the God of the town. If it is right for the gate, it has the function of guarding the gate.



"Landlord God of wealth", the full name of "five sides, five lands and dragon gods, before and after the landlord God of wealth". In the traditional Chinese society, the "landlord God of wealth" is enshrined in the house, and the "land at the door" outside the gate, one inside and one outside, as the patron saint of a room. But now many buildings are not allowed to offer "land at the gate" in the public corridor, so the "landlord God of wealth" in the house has to face the gate to prevent the evil people from rampaging.



Hebei HSBC copper carving handicraft factory is a professional sculpture handicraft factory. The copper carving crafts produced are beautiful in art and vivid in form. Whether the pattern design in the early stage or the production in the later stage is perfect, they all show their professional and intention.

上一篇: 铜财神简介 下一篇: 铸造铜财神厂家



地址: 保定市唐县田家庄工业区